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Region of Excellence 2022 Clean Cities Winners

Congratulations to our nominees: Charlotte Douglas EV bus fleet;  MacLeod Construction and UNC Charlotte EPIC PoleVolt project, for the Centralina Clean Fuels Coalition category award for the 2022 Centralina Region of Excellence Awards!

Our  winner this year was the CLT Electric Vehicle Bus Fleet!  The airport utilized clean fuels and fuel alternatives in airport vehicles to reduce the consumption of traditional transportation fossil fuels. CLT also supported sustainability by:

  • Purchasing 100% battery electric zero emissions buses that will last for 12 years
  • Replacing older vehicles with newer vehicles to reduce emissions
  • Implementing fuel economy improvements to lower fuel costs

These achievements have resulted in a reduction in  gasoline gallon usage by almost 100,000 gasoline gallon equivalents in 2021 alone! Congrats again to the Charlotte Douglas Airport EV Bus fleet!

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Centralina Case Study on Connected & Autonomous Vehicles

The US Department of Energy released their latest case study on Connected and Autonomous Vehicles and the Centralina Clean Fuels Coalition was a featured participant. Our workshop series from 2017, Roadmap from 2018 and next steps are all included in the article you can read here. 

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