The CCFC brings value to stakeholders in many ways.
As a stakeholder, you will have free access to multiple tools, resources, and support from our team. A few examples are shown to the right. Ready to get involved? Sign up to become a stakeholder.Â

You have access to resources such as vehicle cost calculators, fleet petroleum use calculators, vehicle comparison tools, alt fuel medium- and heavy-duty vehicle calculators, contract/grant assistance and more.
Expert Team
You are connected to subject matter experts through the national Clean Cities network of coordinators and national lab experts.

Be the first-to-know & receive access to grants and other funding and collaboration opportunities.

Stakeholders and their projects are regularly featured through the CCFC website, as well as social media, our host agency Centralina Regional Council and on other national partner and fellow coalition websites throughout the country.
Funding Opportunities
Want to support our work? Weâd love for you to become a sponsor.
See what benefits you could enjoy as a sponsor. We will customize your package to fit your needs.
While ensuring a long and healthy future for the CCFC, the sponsorship program provides resources that will allow the CCFC the ability to deliver enhanced and expanded benefits to our stakeholders. This includes supporting stakeholder projects in an era where federal and state grant programs funds are increasingly competitive and scarce as well as increased technical assistance, publicity efforts, grant advisement, and more. Outside of the benefits explicitly stated above, the CCFC continues to look for other opportunities to contribute to our stakeholders as they fulfill the national Clean Cities mission of reducing dependence on petroleum.
As the Centralina Clean Fuels Coalition is housed at Centralina Regional Council, special consideration is given to Centralina member governments who currently pay dues to Centralina. As such, Centralina member governments in good standing who wish to become a CCFC sponsor may complete a sponsorship form and enter at the contributor level as part of their Centralina dues.
- Receive educational resources on alternative fuels
- Invitation to networking and technology meetings
- Hyperlinked logo/name on CCFC website & monthly newsletter
- Recognition of sponsorship at CCFC events
- Permission to use CCFC logo for materials, organizational website, etc.
- All $500 level benefits plus:
- Receive alternative fuel technical, policy, and project updates
- Access to the Technical Response Service
- Official recognition for sponsorship levels on CCFC website
- Access to stakeholder list & vendor directory
- Opportunity to contribute news items for the CCFC website & newsletter
- Grant/policy e-blast
- Grant selection & proposal advisement
- Presentation opportunities at select events
- All $1500 level benefits plus:
- Complimentary admission to events with registration fees
- Ad or promotional space in newsletter and Fuels Fix*
- Project development & implementation assistance
- In-depth grant proposal assistance
- Table at select CCFC events
- Success story/case study produced about your organization
*Fuels Fix is a Clean Cities supported website with alternative fuels news, stories and advertising.